Thomas LaClair

Thomas LaClair

Coach, Physical Therapist

Movements I dislike: snatches, box jumps, toes to bar


Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Michigan State University)

Doctorate in Physical Therapy (UM-Flint)

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer


I have enjoyed exercise and competition since I was a kid. I grew up playing several sports, my favorites were always basketball and soccer. Currently, I still play golf, basketball, and soccer regularly. I have worked out in regular commercial gyms over the last 10 years but was drawn to CrossFit for the added challenge, uniqueness, and community aspect of the gym. I am also a big movie buff and MSU sports fan.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

As a health care provider, I am a big believer in exercise as a first-line treatment for several of the chronic health problems our society faces. I also enjoy using my skill set as a physical therapist to help athletes perform better, or be able to continue training through injury.

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